Drama loopsie app in thai land

<p>Today I&rsquo;m going to talk about one app that is drama because universities in Thailand use it. Let&rsquo;s see. This app is called loopsie. It&rsquo;s a visual app from ai. By ai They use stable diffusion to drive the app. Yes, the stable diffusion that used to be drama. Once again, I will speak from a software engineer&rsquo;s point of view how stable diffusion works. Let&rsquo;s see. The stable diffusion is driven by the diffusion model. The diffusion model works. The diffusion model works by being. A model used for generating images from random dots (a group of randomly scattered dots).</p> <p>this image show how diffusion model work</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*A5oDcLkGnwkR2h24hWD4MA.png" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p> <p>The principle of training this model is to start from a clear image. Then add noise or things that make the image start to be unclear more and more until the image cannot be identified. And let the model learn to make that image back to the original again Ok, is there a model that is easier to use? The answer is yes. That&rsquo;s what gan calls it, Generative Adversarial Networks. It&rsquo;s a visual-like model, and it&rsquo;s the first model you&rsquo;ll learn if you&rsquo;re new to data since ai and machines. learning yep, so how does this one work? Ok, the gan function works by deciding whether the data instance is real (i.e. probably of the original training data) or fake. What are the differences between the two models? Let&rsquo;s see.</p> <p><a href="https://blog.gopenai.com/drama-loopsie-app-in-thai-land-5f0d1296bfe"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Drama loopsie