I Am a Dragon
<p>In the late 60s and early 70s, in a small town at the foot of a forested hill rising from the rocky shores of Puget Sound, there lived a Chinese restaurant called the Four Seasons. My family went there every few months. My sister and I would order Shirley Temples, fish for the cherry, and read the paper placemat before the food came out. All the animals of the Chinese zodiac marched around that placemat. Each had a description, and while I don’t remember what it said about Dragon people, I do remember it made me feel good about myself — a rare and precious thing in my childhood.</p>
<p>All of the animals in the Chinese zodiac are real in the living world except the dragon. The dragon is a mythological creature, made up from imagination, fears, hopes, and desires, and passed down the ages through culture. We made up culture too. Innovation and new ways of thinking and doing things become the old ways and traditions.</p>
<p><a href="https://mariachristensen.medium.com/i-am-a-dragon-fda089e64514"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>