Downloading files from Databricks’ DBFS

<p>More often than not, you may be interested in downloading data from your Databricks instance. And whilst Databricks provides a UI for retrieving your DataFrame result, sometimes you are interested in generating data from your Databricks instance not directly related to DataFrames. Typical use cases involve simulation results, generating textual data, or even storing your DataFrame schema.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*nOfGlYMFY2CwY1BECgAHog.png" style="height:119px; width:668px" /></p> <p>The Databricks UI for downloading DataFrame results</p> <p>By default, Databricks does not provide a way to remotely access/download the files within DBFS. In this quick guide, I&rsquo;ll show you how to access your DBFS data in 2 minutes without any external tools, relying simply, on your browser.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>