Black “Americans?”

<p>Each year the United States doubles down on its insult to Black People in the United States with something called Black History Month. An oddity which takes place no where else in the world. One must ask oneself why this is so.</p> <p>As such, the nation temporarily acquiesces to gratuitous memes of &ldquo;the contributions of African-Americans.&rdquo; And, like the MLK holiday that precedes it by a few weeks, it has become an exercise in both denial and self-appeasement on the part of most European-Americans as well as many Black People in the United States. The multitudes and the media act like it is a splendid thing, but at the same time they are glad when it is over; a forced error so to speak.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: doubles down