Why Dormant Passions Long to Be Revived

<p>I bought a baby grand piano yesterday, even though I can&rsquo;t afford it.</p> <p>My wife and I downsized recently, selling our house with a pool and guest cottage for a smaller house with a view of the mountains. The goal is to simplify our lives, cut down on unnecessary expenses, and use the monthly savings for travel, books, and experiences.</p> <p>We love the new home, with its mountain views and interior layout. But alas, we had to spend a good deal of money to improve the kitchen, front landscape, and a few other things.</p> <p>We saved money by assembling our new bookcases and hiring handymen when appropriate over expensive contractors. And my mother-in-law saved us thousands by letting us stay in her nearby summer home during our transition from the old house to the new one.</p> <p>But moving and home improvements are expensive, and we quickly burned through our budget.</p> <p>When we settled into the new house, we opened boxes, arranged furniture, and designed each room. The library is the showcase of the house since we love books. There&rsquo;s something soothing to the soul when seated in a comfortable reading chair, with good light, surrounded by books, thoroughly immersed in an absorbing novel.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/personal-growth/why-dormant-passions-long-to-be-revived-10ffa5138ffa"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>