Does Your Work Still Excite You

<p>In an ideal world, we would be doing meaningful work with the people we choose to work with. We would work where we want and when we want.</p> <p><strong>Oh yeah, this isn&rsquo;t an ideal world</strong>. The above is the reality for a small minority of people. For most people, they work in situations they want to run away from&hellip;because, oh yeah, you need this pesky thing called money.</p> <p>Money pays for your groceries, internet, gas, rent, mortgage, and anything else you need (and want).&nbsp;<strong>Without money, you&rsquo;ll be a huge ball of stress and won&rsquo;t think about anything else. With money, you&rsquo;ll be able to focus on other aspects of your life that you find meaningful and enjoyable</strong>.</p> <h1>Silly Corporate Buzzwords</h1> <p>Since the pandemic, we&rsquo;ve started to hear these silly buzzwords get thrown around. There&rsquo;s&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;quiet quitting&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;quiet firing&rdquo;</strong>. Then the even more silly&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;quiet hiring&rdquo;</strong>&hellip;huh? Then the grand finale&hellip;.we&rsquo;ve all heard of the&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Great Resignation&rdquo;</strong>.</p> <p>All of this points to everyone&rsquo;s awareness of work and how it correlates to their life. Life is short. Trying to find work you enjoy is a very meaningful undertaking. Why not? Why not you? There is still time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Excite