Doctors’ Orders: Advice from Black Women PhDs

<p>Like many people, I found getting a PhD to be a challenging, thrilling, and ultimately transformative experience. As a Black woman, I also sometimes found the experience frankly more difficult than it needed to be.<br /> <br /> Being the first in my family to get a PhD meant I didn&rsquo;t have any role models close at hand. In my program, I was often one of only a few Black people (let alone Black women) in seminars or work groups. I often didn&rsquo;t fit the expectation of what an academic looked like.<br /> <br /> In February, I attended a Facebook fireside chat hosted by&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Black Women PhDs</a>&nbsp;and organized by Facebook&rsquo;s internal events team. The chat was paneled by Camela Logan, a UX researcher at Facebook (working across the family of Facebook apps), Dominiqua Griffin, CEO and founder of Black Women PhDs, and Alisha Alleyne, UX research manager at Instagram, who also served as moderator.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Doctors Orders