The Way of Dockerize a Spring Boot and MySQL Application With Docker Compose.

<p>You can get instruction about docker installation from&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"></a>.I have downloaded docker desktop to my local pc and It is wrapped up docker with docker compose. So no need to install docker compose separately.</p> <h1>Overview</h1> <p>My sample application provide GET api for display list of person&rsquo;s names. The sample data is fetching from MySql DB.</p> <h1>What is :</h1> <p><strong>Docker :</strong>&nbsp;Docker is open source containerization platform used for building, packaging, and managing applications in an isolated environment.<br /> <strong>Dockerfile&nbsp;</strong>: It is the place where we config the model of our docker container. By using dockerfile we can create docker image.<br /> <strong>Docker Image:</strong>&nbsp;The blueprint for create docker contaiers.(According to oop concepts it is like a class)<br /> <strong>Docker Container</strong>&nbsp;: It is runnable instance of image.(According to oop concepts it is like a object which is derived from class)<br /> <strong>Docker Compose :</strong>&nbsp;Docker compose is a tool which helps us to easily handle multiple containers at once.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Docker Compose