Diving Into Acrylics: Week 6 of 8

<p>For week 6 of my 8-week Beginner&rsquo;s Acrylics Painting Class, we used our monochrome portraits from&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/artique/diving-into-acrylics-week-5-of-8-5b4a8be9c8b2" rel="noopener">week 5</a>&nbsp;as a foundation with our lessons on&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/artique/diving-into-acrylics-week-4-of-8-3a78fb7d9c66" rel="noopener">full-color still life paintings</a>&nbsp;to create a full-color portrait. Let&rsquo;s dive into how we explored painting portraits with acrylics.</p> <h2>Full-color portraits</h2> <p>Our instructor had us use the same John Singer Sargent portraits from&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/artique/diving-into-acrylics-week-5-of-8-5b4a8be9c8b2" rel="noopener">last week</a>&nbsp;to now complete full-color versions as opposed to monochrome ones. She provided us with full-color images of the same portraits as last time, utilizing digital files that we viewed on our phones instead of printed copies since home printers often don&rsquo;t provide as much detail and color accuracy. Below is the full-color image that she provided of my Sargent portrait from last week.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/artique/diving-into-acrylics-week-6-of-8-7b60fe3d68e3"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>