Diving Into Acrylics: Week 6 of 8
<p>For week 6 of my 8-week Beginner’s Acrylics Painting Class, we used our monochrome portraits from <a href="https://medium.com/artique/diving-into-acrylics-week-5-of-8-5b4a8be9c8b2" rel="noopener">week 5</a> as a foundation with our lessons on <a href="https://medium.com/artique/diving-into-acrylics-week-4-of-8-3a78fb7d9c66" rel="noopener">full-color still life paintings</a> to create a full-color portrait. Let’s dive into how we explored painting portraits with acrylics.</p>
<h2>Full-color portraits</h2>
<p>Our instructor had us use the same John Singer Sargent portraits from <a href="https://medium.com/artique/diving-into-acrylics-week-5-of-8-5b4a8be9c8b2" rel="noopener">last week</a> to now complete full-color versions as opposed to monochrome ones. She provided us with full-color images of the same portraits as last time, utilizing digital files that we viewed on our phones instead of printed copies since home printers often don’t provide as much detail and color accuracy. Below is the full-color image that she provided of my Sargent portrait from last week.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/artique/diving-into-acrylics-week-6-of-8-7b60fe3d68e3"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>