If You See Life as a Game, You Better Know How to Play It

<p>Somewhere in an uncharted galaxy, you and your friend are being held prisoners by an enigmatic group of extraterrestrial beings. They promise to let you go if you beat them in one of their games. You sit at a cosmic table with one of the aliens who distributes bags containing both a black and a white rock. When the game starts, every player will select a rock and put it on the table. The winner is whoever picks the rock with a different color. This means, whoever chooses black when the other two choose white or whoever chooses white when the other two choose black. Every time someone wins, they will give you a coin to pile up on your side of the table. You will play the game a million times, and the ultimate winner is the one with more coins at the end.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/if-you-see-life-as-a-game-you-better-know-how-to-play-it-f7aaa365caf1"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>