How was distillation discovered?

<p>The first evidence of distillation dates back to ancient China. The Chinese used distillation to manufacture alcoholic beverages such as rice wine. The first distillation equipment, known as an alembic, was rudimentary and used exclusively to produce spirits. The art of distillation expanded to ancient Greece and Alexandria. Greek philosophers such as Aristotle wrote about distillation, emphasising on the purifying of water by evaporation and condensation. During the Islamic Golden Age, Middle Eastern intellectuals made substantial contributions to a variety of scientific domains, including alchemy and distillation. Al-Razi (Rhazes), a prominent Persian alchemist and physician, wrote extensively about the distillation process in the ninth century. Distillation was used not just to produce alcohol, but also to extract essential oils from plants for medical purposes. Distillation expertise was brought to mediaeval Europe via translations of Arabic books. Initially, distillation was involved primarily with the production of alcoholic beverages, medications, and perfume. Alchemists in Europe helped to refine the distillation process and construct more sophisticated apparatus.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>