Investigating the Reality of Photos of Distant Planets: The Science Behind the Images.

<p>If a survey targeted at the general public was to be conducted asking everyone about the number of exoplanets(planets outside our solar system) discovered to date. It is safe to say that without &lsquo;Googling&rsquo;, there is a high likelihood that most people will not know the approximate number. However, if the survey was to be reframed by asking whether we have photographs or detailed images of exoplanets. Most people would say we do without &ldquo;Googling&rdquo; anything.</p> <p>This article will delve into the reasons why so many members of the general public believe that we have detailed images of the exoplanets that have been discovered thus far. The image below is what a typical exoplanet would look like if we imaged it directly and took a photograph. This is the level of detail that is common when we image exoplanets. The small bright dot is the image of a planet, and this is also only possible if the conditions are right such as if the exoplanet is large and very hot.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>