Why Chanel Doesn’t Sell Online

<p>Today is the day where we can buy pretty much everything online. From groceries to accessories, there are barely any limits. The limits are particularly blurry in fashion. Could you name a fashion item you cannot buy? Well, a valid answer would be Chanel. There is still no online shopping for the luxury brand, at least through direct channels.</p> <p>It is quite an interesting choice and a conscious decision. Luxury brands that belong to the same segment with similar client profiles are either currently entering the market or have done so in the last years. Some examples are Herm&egrave;s and Louis Vuitton. Meanwhile, Chanel&rsquo;s brand strategy has no interest in having an e-commerce site. Why is that so when online shopping is on the rise?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/culturistique/why-chanel-doesnt-sell-online-a993050206b9"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>