Dinosaurs are not extinct.

<p>The fact that Dinosaurs, the rulers of Mesozoic earth are extinct is not at all a &#39;news&#39; to you, right?</p> <p>Yeah, I mean considering you or your distant cousins belong to the Holocene earth and actively taking part in this Anthropocene, you have been technically taught right since your childhood, that YES! DINOS, THE GIANT LIZARDS ARE EXTINCT. And, even if I write something on this, won&rsquo;t make a big deal. But what will make quiet a big deal is, if I write and actually go onto claim that NO! DINOSAURS AREN&rsquo;T EXTINCT! Now this is what that sixth grader would say, &quot;Yes, I want more of this... go on I&rsquo;m listening.&quot;</p> <p>By now, you might be thinking that this is a big statement I have made. But what if I tell you, go and ask this same question to a paleontologist or maybe some evolutionary biologist. Trust me, try it out and you&rsquo;ll see, it&rsquo;s not much of a shock to them as it was to you. Dinosaurs are not extinct, they know it. But do they say it? NO (and this is what this blog is all about)</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@rishabhbose24/dinosaurs-are-not-extinct-5c88ebce9341"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dinosaurs