Dilemmas are timeline junctures — embrace choices to navigate consciously.

<p>In entering a dance with unconsciousness, eternal consciousness created the mortal experience through which it could discover itself through&nbsp;<em>self-expression / reflection</em>. In this, along with<em>&nbsp;&lsquo;the one&rsquo;</em>, there came to be many. Although it did not actually fracture, this can be imagined as a whole breaking into pieces, with each fragment holographically containing the whole.</p> <blockquote> <p>This explosion into definition was the beginning of creation as we know and recognize it.</p> </blockquote> <p>Before this, there was no outer versus inner. There was no time or space. There was just&nbsp;<em>oneness / isness / consciousness</em>. But to us, within the intense meaning of definition, it would be perceived as a nothing &mdash; a void. The nothing that gave birth to everything. The empty and the full. Zero and the Infinite. The one and the many. The beginning and the end. The first and the last.</p> <p>This birth of the one into the many was the beginning of our journey &mdash; mine and yours. Each and every time we step into the embodiment of the human form, we&nbsp;<em>mirror / repeat / create an alternate expression of / re-express / further unfold</em>&nbsp;that first step into the unknown.</p> <p><a href="https://storywaters.medium.com/dilemmas-are-timeline-junctures-embrace-choices-to-navigate-consciously-c738f037db5d">Read More</a></p>