Enhancing RecyclerView Performance with DiffUtil in Android

<p><strong>Introduction:</strong><br /> Welcome to my blog! Today, we&rsquo;re exploring an advanced topic related to RecyclerView optimization in Android. Before we delve in, I assume you have a basic understanding of how the RecyclerView structure works. In this article, we&rsquo;ll focus on leveraging the RecyclerView for optimal performance.</p> <p><strong>Problem statement :</strong><br /> Consider a scenario where you have a list comprising 100 items, and you wish to dynamically alter specific items due to some user action. The conventional approach of changing a particular item using&nbsp;<code>notifyDataSetChanged()</code>&nbsp;is a costly call. It triggers a reload of the entire UI, potentially resulting in a flicker in the user interface and leading to a subpar user experience. Additionally, such expensive calls might even cause ANRs due to their resource-intensive nature.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@saurabhomernit/enhancing-recyclerview-performance-with-diffutil-in-android-639f5015037b"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>