iPhone 15 Pro Max vs. Pixel 8 Pro — two very different stories

<p>If you&rsquo;ve read any of my stories recently, then you&rsquo;ll know just how good I think Apple&rsquo;s latest offering is.&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/macoclock/iphone-15-pro-max-1-month-on-aa606bb46929" rel="noopener">The iPhone 15 Pro Max</a>&nbsp;has got so many things right this year, that for me, it is&nbsp;<em>nearly</em>&nbsp;the perfect phone.</p> <p>But to make a full and informed decision I needed to be able to make comparisons against another flagship phone.</p> <p>Earlier in the year I used my first ever Android &mdash; a Pixel 7 Pro- and liked it. So when the Pixel 8 Pro launched just one month after the iPhone 15 Pro Max &mdash; it seemed too good an opportunity to miss.</p> <p>But there are some striking differences between what appear to be two very similar phones.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/macoclock/iphone-15-pro-max-vs-pixel-8-pro-two-very-different-stories-68938a6d749f"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>