Dictators rob you of your identity.

<p>A couple of weeks ago, I was finalizing a new housing lease and met the house&#39;s owner. &ldquo;Where are you from,&rdquo; I asked him as I was about to leave. I am usually&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@alexeisorokinstories/is-where-are-you-from-a-rude-question-284a975afde6" rel="noopener">careful with this question</a>&nbsp;as it can appear subtly insensitive in some situations. Some people are not that enthusiastic about talking about their roots or immigration story. I was curious, however. The guy had an accent; his looks suggested he was from the Middle East.</p> <p>He was. That&rsquo;s exactly what he replied &mdash; &ldquo;the Middle East.&rdquo; He said he immigrated when he was young. He&rsquo;s now in his fifties.</p> <p><a href="https://alexeisorokinstories.medium.com/dictators-rob-you-of-your-identity-34fd2856053c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dictators Rob