The Voice is a Roll of the Dice — Vote No!

<p>Much of the commentary about the Voice has been taking the short-term (dare I say non-Indigenous) view, looking at the next few decades. In this essay, I&#39;d like to look at it with a scope that covers a more appropriate period for a permanent feature of our body politic &mdash; the next couple of centuries.</p> <p>This seems heroic, but it&#39;s a natural way of thinking for Indigenous Australians. Our oral culture means that stories about 1836 are as fresh in our memories as yesterday&rsquo;s episode of &ldquo;Loki&quot;.</p> <p>So what will happen over the centuries if the Voice is installed? How can we calibrate our expectations?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dice Vote