Diasporist dreams of Jewish safety

<p>Like many other Jewish people, I&rsquo;ve spent much of my time in the past days scrolling through image after image of horrific violence emerging from Israel / Palestine with tears in my eyes. I&rsquo;ve seen endless descriptions of deaths, violence and destruction, I&rsquo;ve reached out to friends and family members and have sat with our pain, confusion and fears. I&rsquo;ve seen some members of my community rushing to defend one side, to ensure that everyone knows who the &lsquo;real&rsquo; victims are and demarcate the lines of &lsquo;acceptable&rsquo; violence.</p> <p>All of it is unmeasurably painful. I&rsquo;m dealing not only with the grief for the many lives lost and crushed in vain, but the knowledge that this ongoing cycle of violence emerges from a false narrative that has taken root in some Jewish communities. This perception falsely tells us that the only way to finally achieve safety for Jews is through separation, supremacy and exclusion of others.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@fenyachannah/diasporist-visions-of-jewish-safety-7e4c7ce77b63"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>