What Decorative Painter Diane Williams wishes Interior Designers knew…

<p><strong>As interior designers we each work differently from our colleagues &mdash; so it makes sense that artists would be the same!</strong></p> <p>If you saw my article with&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/stuff-interior-designers-need-to-know/what-decorative-painter-julie-stonehouse-wishes-interior-designers-knew-6c65ec9bd6ee" rel="noopener">Julie Stonehouse</a>&nbsp;about what&nbsp;<em>she</em>&nbsp;wishes interior designers knew, you might like another painter&rsquo;s perspective too!&nbsp;<strong>Here I interview decorative painter Diane Williams about what she wishes interior designers knew about working with artists like herself.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*CXhnYiIqT5iMtEkvePT_Vw.jpeg" style="height:212px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Paint Finishes and Photos by art to Di for</p> <p>TL/DR:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Decorative finishers are your go-to solution when it comes to camouflaging things like outlets, switches, thermostats and heat registers!</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;It&rsquo;s also a great solution when you find the perfect fixture, but it doesn&rsquo;t come in the finish you need!&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>The term &ldquo;venetian plaster&rdquo; is thrown around for all kinds of plaster finishes, but they aren&rsquo;t all created equal.</strong>&nbsp;Partnering with a decorative finish professional can help make sure your designs will endure!</li> <li><strong>There&rsquo;s an industry group dedicated to decorative artists called IDAL.</strong>&nbsp;It&rsquo;s a great resource if you&rsquo;re looking to collaborate with a decorative painter.</li> </ul> <p><a href="https://medium.com/stuff-interior-designers-need-to-know/what-decorative-painter-diane-williams-wishes-interior-designers-knew-c4c53d20569"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>