Dialectical Materialism

<p><strong><em>&ldquo;If we can say anything about life, and be absolutely correct&hellip;we can say that all things change, everything changes, all the time&hellip;change is both permanent and constant!!&rdquo;&nbsp;</em></strong><em>&mdash; Kwame Ture, Portland State, October 9, 1973</em></p> <p>&rdquo;Dialectical Materialism&rdquo;, where have you heard the word? I was introduced to it when I began organizing in 2016, and ironically found myself in more academy adjacent spaces. Although I had heard the word and was beginning to come across it in texts as a result of my political education, I couldn&rsquo;t actually define, let alone, make sense of its importance to the work I was doing as an organizer attached to a revolutionary nationalist movement. And so, I want to try and kick this off with a clear&nbsp;<strong>overstanding&nbsp;</strong>(Word to Sanyika Shakur). Once we define it, we can discuss its importance.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@FreeThePeoplePress/dialectical-materialism-a20f357ecbf2"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>