How I Reacted to My Diagnosis

<p>This is what being diagnosed with a chronic illness is like:</p> <p><strong>1st Day:&nbsp;</strong>Confused. Never heard of it. What does this mean? Google black hole. What is going to happen to me? Is this information correct? Every day after that, for the next few months, Denial, learning in secret, and surviving.</p> <p>It started with falling and losing my balance, and I thought if I lost more weight, I would be fine. I started exercising, and it wasn&rsquo;t working; I started losing feeling in my arm and couldn&rsquo;t raise it. I went to the Orthopedic doctor, who then recommended I see a Neurologist, and a series of tests ensued.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>