DevOps in Linux — od Command

<p>The&nbsp;<code>od</code>&nbsp;command in Linux stands for &quot;octal dump&quot;. This command allows you to display the contents of a file or input in various formats including&nbsp;<code>octal</code>,&nbsp;<code>decimal</code>,&nbsp;<code>hexadecimal</code>, and more. It&#39;s often used for debugging, to analyze and verify the exact contents of a file, particularly in cases when the file might not contain human-readable text.</p> <p>For example:</p> <pre> $ od test.txt 0000000 062564 072163 000012 0000005</pre> <p>The above command displays the contents of&nbsp;<code>test.txt</code>&nbsp;in octal format by default. However, you can specify a different format using various options. For instance, to display the contents in hexadecimal:</p> <pre> $ od -x test.txt 0000000 6574 7473 000a 0000005</pre> <p><code>od</code>&nbsp;is part of the core set of utilities that are essential and standard on Unix and Unix-like operating systems, including Linux distributions.</p> <p>The initial purpose of&nbsp;<code>od</code>&nbsp;was to provide a way to dump the contents of a file in octal (base 8) format, which was useful for debugging and analysis purposes, particularly when dealing with non-text files. Since its inception,&nbsp;<code>od</code>&nbsp;has been expanded to support many more data formats, including hexadecimal, decimal, and character outputs, making it even more versatile for inspecting and understanding the content of files.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: DevOps Linux