DevOps in Linux — Process Memory Management

<p>As we manage various applications and services on a Linux system, we deal with multiple processes running simultaneously. One of the core principles here is that each of these processes has its own dedicated memory space.</p> <p>This means that the memory allocated to one process is isolated from the memory allocated to others. In Linux, this isolation is a fundamental feature provided by the kernel&rsquo;s memory management mechanisms.</p> <p>From a DevOps perspective, this isolation is vital for maintaining security and stability. Imagine if one process could accidentally or maliciously access the memory of another process. This could lead to data corruption, unauthorized access, and system instability. By ensuring that processes cannot interfere with each other&rsquo;s memory, Linux prevents such risks and ensures that each application or service operates within its own controlled environment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: DevOps Linux