Challenge: Developing a Video-Game in one week — Task failed successfully

<h2>Was it a success?</h2> <p>Yes and no, while the game is playable, and you can advance to the next level, and also die. It&rsquo;s simply just lacking a lot of stuff, I feel like I failed the challenge, but from what I&rsquo;ve seen on other people who take on the challenge they often go for simpler stuff. So I may have bit more than my ADHD brain can chew. However, I&rsquo;m still glad I did this and also kinda proud of I can do from memory, since I haven&rsquo;t touched Unity in years. Also I did new stuff for me like the wall jump and the trail renderer.</p> <h2>What now?</h2> <p>This semester is starting soon, and I won&rsquo;t be able to do much game dev as I would like. My goal overall is to just get better at game dev 2D and 3D. So what is the plan here, consistency and discipline. I often too hard on myself and my perfectionist attitude always keeps me from finishing anything if it&rsquo;s not good enough. So instead of just having a goal as wanting to develop a good game, I&rsquo;ll take babysteps. First I fix movement, jumping occurs to fast and the gravity is not as fast as I&rsquo;d like so it seems that the best course of action is to manipulate the rigidbody as a kinematic and control gravity from code, I won&rsquo;t worry about anything esle for now, I just want the player movement to feel right.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>