Setting up my DEV-Machine

<p>Usually I work on Unix based systems such as any Linux distribution or since a year now on a Mac. So the following steps will work on those machines out of the box. Some of the steps will work on Windows machines too.</p> <p>I am a developer with focus on backend and some DevOps, but from time to time some frontend topics will land on my desk. So most of the time I am programming stuff in Java. Enough words for introduction let&rsquo;s jump into the setup:</p> <h1>First things first! Setting up my terminal:</h1> <h2>A step on Mac</h2> <p>Usually on my Linux based machines I use the default packet manager like apt, yum or dnf. On Mac I really recommend&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">homebrew</a>&nbsp;or short brew.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dev Machine