Are Your ‘Friends’ Bringing You Down? How to Detoxify Your Social Circle and Start Feeling the Good Vibes

<p>We all have that &ldquo;friend.&rdquo;</p> <p>You know, the kind that leaves you feeling drained and deflated every time you talk.</p> <p>The one who never seems happy for your success, or who always needs to one-up your struggles with their own.</p> <p>The perpetual victim, the constant complainer, the fair-weather flyer.</p> <p>This so-called &ldquo;friend&rdquo; who seems to suck the life right out of you.</p> <p><strong>I&rsquo;m here to tell you something important: you don&rsquo;t have to put up with it anymore.</strong></p> <h1>I learned this lesson the hard way.</h1> <p>I had a friend &mdash; let&rsquo;s call her Debbie (Downer)&mdash; who was never satisfied with anything in her own life.</p> <p>Somehow that meant I couldn&rsquo;t be satisfied with mine either.</p> <p>She&rsquo;d belittle my accomplishments, complain about my optimistic attitude, and otherwise try to drag me down to her level of discontent.</p> <p>After years of letting her negativity seep into me, I finally realized our &ldquo;friendship&rdquo; had become toxic.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>