Thermonuclear Explosions on Proxima b Are Detectable by JWST

<p>When walking down the street, one cannot escape the realization that dogs pay attention to dogs, babies focus on babies, and adults greet adults. This brings home the sense that when looking out we will most likely recognize extraterrestrial technological signatures that resemble those that we possess. Of course, our imagination for what&rsquo;s possible technologically evolves as fast as our innovation. But while watching our cosmic neighborhood, we can refine Enrico Fermi&rsquo;s question: &ldquo;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">where is everybody?</a>&rdquo; to mean &ldquo;how far can we detect our known technological footprint coming from a twin civilization?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>