Destination, Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port

<p>It feels like I skipped one whole day. Jet lag is real, but worth it. I&rsquo;m on a train ride into Bayonne, then I will be transferring twice. I got a first class ticket. Wasn&rsquo;t sure what the difference would be, this is my first train ride ever. Not too shabby. It didn&rsquo;t cost much more to upgrade, so I did, just to check it out. The longer I am here (24 hours so far lol), the more I respect others for figuring this stuff out and traveling alone. My 10-minute walk to the train station this morning felt like 45 minutes. The map didn&rsquo;t actually take me to the station. I asked maybe four people for guidance before I made it there, thanks to two young women who weren&rsquo;t from Paris but were headed to the station also. Some people were very vague and probably annoyed at all the tourists asking the same questions. Not sure why I was so surprised that I was the only one out there walking for a bit, in the dark. But it wasn&rsquo;t long before I ran into some friendly drunk people, which was actually comforting, even though they also had no idea where the station was lol. I was happy they made a friendly attempt! So far, this city doesn&rsquo;t lean on the friendly side.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>