Destination: Edinburgh Castle

<p>Edinburgh Castle has a pretty varied history. It sits in the middle of Scotland&rsquo;s capital, Edinburgh, hence the name. Basically the castle started out life as a stronghold that saw a fair few Scottish monarchs come and go, but these days it&rsquo;s living life as a pretty flash museum.</p> <p>Sitting on a volcanic outcrop or crag that&rsquo;s been aptly dubbed &lsquo;Castle Rock&rsquo; the Castle is about 135 metres above sea level and has a pretty awesome view of Edinburgh.</p> <p>The origin story of Edinburgh Castle actually takes us all the way back to prehistory. Millions of years ago, Castle Rock was formed by some serious volcanic activity. And as the years went by and glaciers moved past Castle Rock to form the Edinburgh and Scottish landscape, the volcanic matter that made up Castle Rock was just that little bit more resistant to erosion then the surrounding rock, leaving us with a perfect spot for a highly fortified fortress.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>