It’s Annoying To Be Mixed Race in America

<p>Despite the obsession with race in the US, most people don&rsquo;t know what race is and/or often confuse it with ethnicity. There are only a handful of racial groups and over 193 ethnicities so it&rsquo;s impossible to guess someone&rsquo;s ethnic background, and that number doesn&rsquo;t even include sub-ethnic groups&hellip;</p> <p>But that doesn&rsquo;t stop people from trying (and often failing).</p> <p>In my case, I was forced to understand race when at 14, my highschool had me fill out a race and ethnicity census form. There was no mixed race option (and still isn&rsquo;t on many forms), and no option to choose more than one group. My mother, who is a black Guyanese woman (South American), had no option either because at the time and still today, the census assumed all black people to be &ldquo;African American&rdquo; despite the fact that the majority of black people in the world are not part of the black American ethnic group. The census said that if I failed to fill out the form they would &ldquo;have someone identify me&rdquo;. A very Nazi-like statement in hindsight.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>