Day 4: Desired Places

<p>I don&rsquo;t know why this topic got me typing back and forth only to erase and write the same thing again for days. So maybe I&rsquo;ll try to change my opening. Truthfully, I never had a specific place in my mind when it comes to eternal escape. Is it only for 5 days&#39; holiday? Or an overseas study worth 2 years of your life? Or spend the rest of your life there with your muse whom you meet on an accident shoulder brush on a busy crossroad?</p> <p>There was one local tv show I adore during my junior high school years. A story about two lovers with critical illness, who met in Paris where one chased her dream to join a photography competition, and one pursue study at university. Ah, just reminiscence about that makes me want to watch it again. There&rsquo;s something magical about that city&hellip; A symbolic moment of turning a new leaf staring at the painted street from a wide cafe window, sipping a hot latte with vintage barret rest on your almond hair.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: desired Places