Buenos Aires — Gay Enough For Me

<p>As ethical travellers, we go where we are welcome, and to deserving places that we can contribute to by our spending. Some might say that this is somehow discriminatory and that as Pope Francis said above, one should not judge the values of others.</p> <p>But Pope Francis was talking about priests who had accepted the Lord and had goodwill, who happened to also be gay. There is an implied condition of reciprocity in his exhortation.</p> <p>In that spirit, there is a no reason why a gay person would want to spend his tourist dollars and contribute to countries and places whose governments (and people) make it a point to openly discriminate against the gay community.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@bertwee69/buenos-aires-gay-enough-for-me-eb5a2ea1a3db"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buenos Aires