Stuck In The Deserts Of Iraq

<p>Frank Glen had forgotten how cold the desert became at night and several times he awakened from his cot with his hands and feet freezing and almost completely numb. At seven in the morning, he finally threw himself into a sitting position so that he could put on his shoes. As he struggled with his laces, he watched Dr. Matheson sleeping soundly sealed in a sleeping bag as though in a cocoon. Sitting awkwardly on his cot for a few minutes, he pondered whether he should attempt to go back to sleep, before summoning the strength to push himself to his feet. When he left the tent, the chill in the air assaulted him as he stumbled his way down the ravine to the wooden house which stood at the bottom. From outside he could see the flickering lights of oil lamps. Inside Sir Richard and Stephanie sat across from each other from the table sipping huge mugs of coffee.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Deserts Iraq