Deploying Your React Application with Docker and the Top 10 Deployment Techniques

<p>You&#39;ve just completed your stunning React application, and now it&#39;s time to share it with the world. The process of deploying a web application can be complex, but we&#39;re here to make it easier for you. In this blog post, we&#39;ll guide you through deploying your React application using Docker and introduce you to the top 10 deployment techniques available.</p> <p>Table of Contents</p> <ol> <li>Deploying React with Docker</li> <li>Top 10 Deployment Techniques a. Heroku b. Netlify c. Vercel d. AWS Amplify e. GitHub Pages f. Microsoft Azure g. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) h. DigitalOcean i. Firebase Hosting j.</li> </ol> <p>1. Deploying React with Docker</p> <p>Docker is an excellent choice for deploying your React application. It enables you to containerize your application and its dependencies, ensuring a consistent and portable environment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>