Reskilling can help you achieve your DEI Goals

<p><em>Note: this is a companion blog to a conference presentation from October 2023. This blog is written with a German audience in mind, but even if you are not based in Germany, you may find this blog useful!</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="*nmVyW7F7idbt5GT0ouuS4A.jpeg" style="height:467px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Photo by&nbsp;<a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Brooke Cagle</a>&nbsp;on&nbsp;<a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Unsplash</a>.</p> <p>Many organizations I&rsquo;ve worked with have very ambitious Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals but they also have limited resources to achieve them. When it comes to increasing diversity in tech, the work is especially challenging considering the lack of diversity in the industry overall. I want to present the concept of a&nbsp;<strong>Reskilling Program</strong>&nbsp;as a way to help you meet your DEI goals and maybe even solve some other challenges your organization is facing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: DEI Goals