Decentering Whiteness in the Museum

<p><strong>Q</strong>: Do you have to acknowledge a mistake to fix it? Or is it easier to erase an error and start from scratch? Should we examine our missteps before we take another? Asking for a friend&hellip;</p> <p><strong>A</strong>: Those are not the kind of existential questions a curator necessarily has to ponder. But, in my unique role as Five Oaks Museum&rsquo;s first Guest Curator, I was tasked with reframing a preexisting exhibition on the Kalapuyan people of Oregon. In May 2019, museum co-directors Molly Alloy and Nathanael Andreini invited me to view the original exhibition. At the time, they were considering junking the entire thing&hellip; and wondering &mdash; was the exhibition outdated, or&nbsp;<em>too</em>&nbsp;problematic?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>