Dear Parent: You’re Braver Than You Think!

<p>It made me smile, recalling that just a couple of days ago, I experienced the same feeling.</p> <p>If you are a parent reading this, I&rsquo;m sure you&rsquo;ve sometimes felt that way &mdash; wondering if you&rsquo;re doing enough for your children. Let me assure you, these doubts are entirely normal and in fact, essential. They are what drive us to become the best parents our children need us to be.</p> <p>But today, let me remind you of the courageous acts you already do, hoping to uplift your spirits and reignite your confidence.</p> <h1>Letting Go of Control is Brave</h1> <p>Oh boy! Relinquishing control is one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. We often believe that we can delay it until our children reach maturity. But, as a brave parent, you understand that letting go begins in childhood itself.</p> <p>You allow your children to stumble and fall, knowing that it&rsquo;s necessary for them to learn and grow. Let me share with you a personal experience about letting go of control.</p> <p>My 3-year-old son was swinging a toy near his younger sibling, and I worried she might get hurt. My first reaction was to grab the toy, put it away, and tell him it is not how the toy should be used. But instead, I chose to trust my son and expressed it to him:</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>
Tags: Parent Braver