Dear Feminists, We’re The Problem

<p>I wasn&rsquo;t raised to become a feminist. Instead, I stumbled into it. Feminism was the logical response to a world that told me I was less than simply by being born a girl.</p> <p>I was raised in a Christian family. We attended an evangelical church that frequently segregated Sunday school classes and youth group activities by gender. During the Sunday sermon, It wasn&rsquo;t uncommon for the pastor to use the privilege of his pulpit to remind us women of our proper role in a good Christian household: we were to be nurturing mothers and obedient wives, always submissive to our husbands.</p> <p>It wasn&rsquo;t so much that I accepted feminism at face value, it was more that it provided an alternative to the Christian interpretation of womanhood. I had dreams bigger than a kitchen and I wasn&rsquo;t about to settle for anything less than that.</p> <p>Most people think liberal college classrooms turn women into feminists. That might be true for some but it wasn&rsquo;t the case for me. Instead, my job turned me into one.</p> <p>When I entered the workforce I watched as unqualified male colleagues received promotions faster than I did. One earned more than me, not because he deserved it, but because he lied about his qualifications on his resume. Others were groomed for advancement. When a female manager vacated her position to go on maternity leave they were ready and waiting in the wings to assume her role.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>