October 7th; 3 Deadly Mistakes.

<p>99 percent of what you hear about the October 7th massacre revolves around the thousands of years of conflict, antisemitism, intelligence failures, and the possibility of a World War III. Yes, these and other reasons are indeed true, but the loss of life and unimaginable brutality on October 7th itself were, in my opinion, the result of far simpler things. Gun control, arrogance, and complacency.</p> <p>Israel is surrounded by haters. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Palestinian Authority, Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and others. All financed primarily by the greatest hater of all, the ruling regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@joe_19081/october-7th-3-deadly-mistakes-f7252fb665e5"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>