[DDIA Reading Notes] Chapter 2 — Data Models and Query Languages

<blockquote> <p>The book &lsquo;Design Data Intensive Application&rsquo; is a quite popular book recently years. Why? The reason is that it is relatively &lsquo;easy&rsquo; for the inexperience application software engineers to follow and get a glance of what distributed world looks like. This is my second time to read this book. The first time reading was kind of a casual glance through and I gave up halfway. After I reflected on my learning strategy, I come up with a plan for me to read and digest this book.</p> <p>I will share the learning notes in a series of blogs. In each post, I will start with a brief Chapter Summary, followed up a Mind Map that summarizes the main topics and its relations. The topics in the Mind Map are attached with a list of questions what can be answered by the knowledge from the book. The questions and answers are listed in the Anki Card format in the Questions Summary section. In the Highlighted Topics section, a few interesting topics in the chapter are picked up to discussed in details. In the last Extended Topics section, one or two topics that is not covered in detail in the book is briefly discussed and explored.</p> </blockquote> <h1>Chapter Summary</h1> <p>This chapter briefly discusses three types of data models: relational, document and graph database. Some histories about database are provided to give us a better ideas why these databases are developed and what types of problems they solve.</p> <p>Personally I think this chapter is loosely structured and provides too much detail about the query languages. Advice given to anyone who read this chapter: do not spend much time in understanding the query language syntax here, because the information given in the book will not help anyone to master a particular language (if you want to get into one query language, follow a well designed tutorial or a specific book). Instead, you should try to understand the philosophy of each type of data model and identify the scenarios to apply them.</p> <p><a href="https://littlecheesecake.medium.com/ddia-reading-notes-chapter-2-data-models-and-query-languages-97a55050d0b1">Click Here</a></p>