February Challenge (Day Eight)

<p>In 1971 I had, with other crew members of the Rainbow Warrior, sailed into the port of Amsterdam, a beautiful city, but there are places that are places in the city that are everything I had ever heard about, smelling of sea, sailors, and scurrilously famous for its welcoming scantily clad women standing in doorways offering cut-price relief to drunken seafarers.</p> <p>Most nights, I was a happy young drunk, never doing harm, grinding on women, drinking whisky, and singing until my voice croaked. This particular night was uneventful until women approached asking for a dance, and we laughed and lusted to the accordion&rsquo;s sultry tones for an hour or more.</p> <p><a href="https://harryhogg-com.medium.com/february-challenge-day-eight-2e0d8e1956f6"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>