Get a Day Dog!

<p>I often get the urge to invite a second dog into our home, especially when browsing NextDoor and I&rsquo;m faced with the big brown eyes of some sweet dog in need of a loving home. But because we&rsquo;ve been retired more than a decade, that is far from practical. So I resist. Usually.</p> <p>A few weeks ago, a young person starting her first full-time job posted a plea for someone to come walk her beloved dog because nine hours was turning out to be just too long &mdash; everyone felt bad about it, especially the poor pooch. My heart jumped ahead, then back, when I imagined our nice fluid retirement days suddenly structured by a dog-walking commitment. But then, I thought, what if the dog just came and hung out with us? We walk our high energy dog every day anyway, why not have another along? And how much nicer that would be for the dog to have company all day long!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Day Dog