Wednesday 3rd November (COP Day 3)

<p>Today was &lsquo;Finance Day&rsquo; at COP, and so in the&nbsp;<em>Blue Zone,&nbsp;</em>where unaccredited journalists are unfortunately not permitted, the political heavyweights that remain in Scotland discussed a range of economic issues.</p> <p>These included such things as progress on climate finance, on which subject there is a horribly clear precedent. This is of those countries that contribute the least to climate change paying the heaviest price, when one considers the devastation wreaked by natural disasters. Horrifically too, the incidence of natural disasters in our world is increasing on an almost weekly basis.</p> <p>The day did end, however, with better news when Chancellor Rishi Sunak said it would now be mandatory for firms to a publish &ldquo;clear and deliverable plan&rdquo; on how they would transition to<em>&nbsp;Net Zero.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Day COP