IssueVoter Spotlight: David Scheerer

<p><strong>What issues do you care about and how do they connect to your life?&nbsp;</strong>Campaign finance reform, voting reform, financial/corporate transparency, gun control, LGBTQ+ inclusion/protections, generally being anti-fascist.</p> <p><strong>How do you balance life and civic engagement to live a civically engaged life?</strong><br /> I think the easiest way to be civically engaged is to engage.</p> <p><strong>Life moves fast, so does the news. How do you stay up to date and engaged with politics? (Besides IssueVoter of course!)</strong><br /> Instead of using social media for hours at a time I read a section of my phone I&rsquo;ve labeled &ldquo;truthtellers&rdquo; which is just 8 news media apps.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: David Scheerer