Response — “Harvard Undermined Itself on Affirmative Action” by David French

<p>After mulling a little longer over this case since its ruling on June 29, I have no other way but to conclude that the three involved parties are all wrong: the plaintiff and SC are wrong in overthrowing AA, the defendant is wrong in its admission practice.</p> <p>To promote a version of so-called &lsquo;colorblind constitution&rsquo; ignores centuries of minorities being put at a disadvantage and America&rsquo;s long history of racial inequality. One cannot simply ignore race when it plays such a significant role in shaping lives. The race-blind view by SC is too black and white and lacks the nuance that such an intricate issue requires. We should not ignore one problem in order to solve another. AA should be preserved, at least for the time being, because it still serves as the flagging direction for a more equal and nonhierarchical society.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: David French