Data Types in python

<p>Hi there, Welcome to series three of our Python journey. In our previous lesson, we looked at variables and how to assign values to them. if you missed it, you can take a 3-minute read on it in my previous post. Today, we are going to serve ourselves with data types. Does the topic sound confusing? Don&rsquo;t worry, I&rsquo;ll try to explain everything in a simple and funny way. You might be wondering, What are data types, and why do they matter? Well, data types are like the labels that you put on your stuff to organise it. For example, you might have a label that says &ldquo;clothes&rdquo; for your shirts, trousers, socks, etc. Or you might have a label that says &ldquo;food&rdquo; for your banku, burger, gari, etc. Data types are similar, they tell Python what kind of stuff you are working with, and how to handle it.</p> <p>(<strong>note: anything that comes after (#) means that section is a comment.) Hurray, you have also learned how to comment in Python</strong></p> <p>There are many data types in Python, but I&rsquo;ll focus on the most common ones:&nbsp;<strong><em>numbers, strings, booleans, lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets</em></strong>. Let&rsquo;s see what they are and how to use them.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>