Data Lakehouses with Databricks — A Modern Approach to Data Management

<p>In this article, we&rsquo;ll look into the story behind data lakehouse architectures. We&rsquo;ll also discuss the benefits of data lakehouses and how businesses can use them to improve their data analytics capabilities through the Databricks Lakehouse Platform.</p> <h1>A look into Data Lakehouses</h1> <p>Data lakes and warehouses are two well-known data storage formats that are used by businesses to store and analyze data. In recent years, a new type of data architecture called the data lakehouse has emerged. Data lakehouses combine the flexibility and scalability of data lakes with the data management and processing capabilities of data warehouses.</p> <p>I work as a data engineer and analyst at Strateq, a global technology enablement company. We help businesses create sustainable tech solutions, and we make sure that our solutions are cutting edge to be future proof. As part of my work, I have been introduced to and built lakehouse solutions for clients.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>