Data Analysis of Rio de Janeiro’s Violence Rate

<p><strong>Rio de Janeiro</strong>, also known as the&nbsp;<strong>Wonderful City</strong>, is the&nbsp;<strong>most famous place in Brazil</strong>. It is also one of the favourites by tourists worldwide.</p> <p>Rio is well known for its Carnaval,&nbsp;<strong>beaches</strong>, soccer, food,&nbsp;<strong>Christ the Redeemer statue</strong>, music and friendly people.</p> <p><strong>Copacabana Beach</strong>&nbsp;at Rio plays host each&nbsp;<strong>New Year&rsquo;s Eve</strong>&nbsp;to Reveillon, the&nbsp;<strong>world&rsquo;s largest</strong>&nbsp;and wildest&nbsp;<strong>New Year&rsquo;s celebration.</strong></p> <p>Sadly, besides its beauty, Rio has been getting&nbsp;<strong>more and more dangerous</strong>. Cops work hard to protect the population. However, Rio has been getting way too polarized. Some people tend to ignore cop&rsquo;s mistakes, and others see them as their enemies, which they are not. The vast majority of cops are</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Data Analysis